Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The nerves are kicking in now as i'm getting ready for my assessment. I really do find it terrifying working on your own but at the same time it's getting easier it's just the asking of questions that i struggle with i find it really hard to put what i want to say into words, then i stumble, stutter and eventually fall!! i'm hoping it is all as good as i hope! i think myself i have really progressed in the sense that i now know how to use lights, i know how to do the sound, camera. I also realised that if you want to get that good quality it's better of you get people who speacialise in there own areas to help you. The sound quality this time round was amazing, The camera work was brilliant, there was hardly any shadowing, which that was due to me taking out a set of lights and trying them out for myself before we shot. i'm excited!

Saturday, March 08, 2008


I can do it, i actually taught myself on premier and im not that bad if i do say so myself. I enjoyed doing this alot more than the directing, although fitting clips into 40secs is a massive struggle. But i have done it. I am finding that i am having to rule each role out as i go along. Directing is out but editting is not bad. I have really found i enjoy doing the arts production side of things, such as props sets, hair makeup, clothes. I know thats not so much to do this with this course but i think i have found my calling, i'm guessing people will think big air head come to do a degree and wants to hair and makeup ha!! but it's not just that it's also the prosthetics, thinking up of different ideas to make something happen really intrigues me. Well i'm still quite puzzeled but i know what i am becoming interested in now and what i'm not.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Saturday, March 01, 2008