Saturday, December 29, 2007

Not too long ago i did a presentation in my tutorial with jules, about who inspires me. The person i chose was My dads cousin Nicola she is a sound editor and has worked on many films such as the Harry Potters, Batman Begins, Blood chocolate. I have spoken to her recently and she has said she might be able to give me some work experience either over the easter or during the summer and if she couldnt she would try n find someone who would!! things are looking up hey hey!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Con Air


I have only recently watched this film but this scene i could not have laughed harder i had to watch it over and over specially when Nicholas Cage- 'Poe' says "put the bunny back in the box," and "Now why couldn't you just av' put the bunny in the box"
ha so comical this film was brilliant and one of Cages best he showed real character in some of his films i feel he plays the same old characters but in this i felt him come out and explore this new character and really believe it was him.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Merry Christmas everyone hope you all have alot of festive fun over the holidays!!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

I have recently watched Gangs of New York on my boyfriends new 40" Full HD 1080p which by the way is amazing to watch it makes such a difference i couldn't believe it, it is like i was filming pah i wish!!! Anyway back on track i saw this scene and thought the sots of the knives was brilliant, this is the way i want to start shooting and editing by having the better clips to join and thinking before hand about the shots i will need to make this take place for example i wish in my Robin hood i would have got shots of him showing his weapons with some better shots such as close ups and camera covering the weapons!

Gangs of New York

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Final piece of robin hood!

Well, we presented our final piece of Robin Hood to Deb and Danny! I wasn't as satisfied with the final piece as i thought i would have been as the director. The sound quality wasn't repaired which i was dreading happening because it was a large part as it was our main audio, this involved it switching from mono to stereo. This would definately be something i would look further int next time to correct but i understand as a director if i was working for a client that would not be acceptable! This has really shook me up and made me realise that pieces that i think ok that will do wont do for clients i may be working for in the future, also realising im in my second year and i have only just had this epiphany isn't good enough i need to buckle up and set my standards for my work higher!