Thursday, December 07, 2006

Yesterday i went on the Space Trip with my course i enjoyed this until we were waiting for the coach lol!!
the things i found really good was the heat detector which i have a picture of the black and white one and the simulator which was fun but amazin which is where the picture of me n sherri with the glasses on comes in lol and the big dome where we watched astronauts that was really good but made me feel sick, i found It all very interesting and a lot of it amazing how it can be created and made to look so real is brilliant i enjoyed the trip and found it beneficial. allso i got to talk to deb about our next module which was also beneficial lol!!

Narratives report


We was asked to produce in groups an idea for a two minute story and to present our idea, we had to produce the narrative and this would be shown in-front of an audience and our work would be individually evaluated.
Our group began our research by holding a group meeting at my accommodation, we sat thinking up possible Ideas for our narrative (see appendix page 2). We decided upon a thriller/surreal genre as we decided this would be more suitable to all our experience, as we had all had some practise with this in our A levels. We chose the idea of ‘Student Life’ as we thought this would be a topic we would all know something about, we chose to use it as a point of view perspective as this would give the illusion of what the student was seeing. We began research into many different areas of media, which show student life, such as Hollyoaks (see appendix page 4) and music Videos. We came across the music video ‘Smack My Bitch Up’ by Prodigy (See appendix page 5) this was also shown in Point of view, which was our inspiration to how we would present our narrative.
We created roles for each member of our group Toby was sound editor, with Alex alongside him as co-sound editor, Sherri was the locations manager, Tom was producer and editor and I was Director and makeup artist although we didn’t use any makeup. We all chose our roles very carefully and chose them based on the experience we have had through our A levels. We all kept to these roles although Sherri and myself did do some of the editing, as we had to check through what Tom had edited we only made minor changes that Tom had missed. Toby had warned the group that he wouldn’t be with us for a few days but he still managed to fulfil his role by making the music and posting this to Tom on time. We all attended each group meeting and the filming sessions.
We gave the narrative the title Independence as we believed this is what students are given when they go to university whether they use it correctly or not, we found it maybe similar to the prodigy video but not the same as we were creating a story and not a Music video. We wanted to have an impact on the audience and hoped that they could relate to the student in our narrative. We chose to use mini dv’s and not to use tripods or any other equipment as this would ruin the effect of Point of view this worked well because you could recognise that it was point of view but some of the shots was a lot worse when we began editing than when we had filmed, we chose simple locations around Nottingham and the Student union as we needed to show a night out, this worked well as we then had a lot more time and we could shoot final scenes and shots when needed even if it was just one member of the group. At first we did have a actor who was going to be revealed at the end as a gay male but we chose not to use this idea as it just complicated the story and made it a lot harder for the audience to recognise. We used I movie HD to edit the sound and film footage, we decided to make the ending different to what we had first decided to show but we chose to show what had happened through stills and show this at the end so there would be a dramatic twist as we had said we would do earlier in our presentation, and we showed how the student had come to get into the drunken state which she was in. We decided to create our own music as we had decided not to use any dialogue in the story and to use just music, Toby created the music for this which had a dance theme with a constant beat to It, which worked well with the film and kept the same theme as the story.
We began filming firstly at one of our accommodation rooms so we had the student style room, but the accommodation was not able to be recognised from this, this was with the actor we had assigned who after seeing the film we decided to drop as the camera was not at the right angle and to hard to understand and see what was happening. We decided to use ourselves as our characters, which were not what we wanted, but as we then had little time we had to improvise I handheld the camera for the point of view and Alex was the other actor who spikes the drink. We chose to show the spiking of the drink through stills as we didn’t want to use any dialogue and this would be the easier way of showing it without having mime. Through the film there is odd appearances from people with distorted faces this is to show how drunk and disorderly the student is, and to show how she is tripping from what she has been given or taken herself. We wanted our piece of work to also to be a warning to all students of how easily this can be done, this is our reason for not showing what had happened until the end of the film so you can see how easily it can be done and you not know, as at the end we are hoping for a “oh I didn’t realise that, that’s what happened to her.”
I think our constant worry was not to make it to like the ‘Smack My Bitch Up” music video as this was a story and I hope we have shown that through our film even without any dialogue. I think we made a massive mistake by not managing our time better as we didn’t realise how little time we had, for my next module I intend to make myself a timeline of deadlines for myself of when and I want things to be done by which I may discus with my tutor. We found the Point of View a lot harder than we thought it would be as we ended up having to re-shoot a lot of the footage, as it was too shaky or too dark but we didn’t realise most of this until we came to editing and some of it became too late but we managed to lighten it and make some of it work to our advantage, as some looked like it was because she couldn’t walk properly. One of the biggest worries was the music and whether Toby would get it to us on time and whether it would fit the genre of the film fortunately it worked perfectly and made a huge difference to our project and made the footage seem to come alive. We worked excellent as a group and each kept to our set roles and even learnt new things such as I learnt how to put the narrative on to DVD through USB from my computer to a hard drive that wasn’t on my computer. I have also learnt how important group work can be and how I had an excellent set of people to work with that made as much effort as I myself did. I have proved to myself also how I can take in other peoples opinions and ideas and use them well within the work, I have learnt that being a director is not all about being bossy or ordering people about its about taking the time to listen and to make sure everyone is happy with what they are doing and confident enough in doing it. I think the discussion page was an excellent way for us to get in contact even though some of the group chose not to, also I found emailing through the VLP or on msn extremely helpful as we began communicating quite early on and was able to find whom each other was fairly easily. I found the journal helpful also as at one point I put on how hard it was finding it and my tutor had seen this and she helped me out by going and asking the question I wondering and then I was back on track. I have learnt how to work better in a group and produce work together rather than on my own I have got better at editing and filming and I had the experience of becoming a director, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I enjoyed this project and even though I found it challenging I feel like I have overcome the challenge and as a group made a piece of work that I can say I am proud of. If I could change anything I would have given our group more time and that would be all I would change. I now look forward to seeing our Narrative on the cinema.

Monday, October 23, 2006


Im now well into my lectures, and im finding it scarier by the day!!! im gettin worried also as i feel like im inadequate to the standards im seein in my group! i am findin the javascript extremely hard as i am not so good with computers and the complicated sides to it!ARGH i am gettin very scared now WOT IF I CANT DO IT!!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Narrative Group A4

I have now FINALLY met all my group for Stage one, we have finally come up with ideas for our story and have now got a basic outline and plot for the story which i am enjoying! we have had two group meetings one which i did not attend due to illness but we have stil been able to comunicate and get things done and work as a group! Although i will admit i did struggle when finding out my group this was a challenge! but now were doing well!!! so lets hope this carrys on.


Narrative Stage 1 Group A4

We have been asked to produce a short narrative that has to be two minutes long and will be an eight-week project, this has to be finished by Christmas and has to be done within a group. Our group consists of five people Hollie, Tom, Sherri, Toby and Alex. We have chose to use the minimalist approach as there is no affect to the characters life and the ending will be pretty similar to the beginning. The title of our project is going to be Independence as our project is about the life of a student and them finding about how they can use their independence. The Genre of the Project will be of the Thriller Genre, we will be giving you a look into the life of a new student with an interesting and unusual twist towards the end. The key events that will be played throughout the film are as follows * Student getting ready for a night out-cocaine and alcohol ingested
• Always a students point of view, you never see the student
• Student leaves apartment in a bad way and goes out
• Student goes to nightclub/bar, we don’t see this
• Clock with time going bye, and fast traffic
• Pan shot off student from the top of the toilet being ill
• Student helped out by a ‘friend’
• Student is revealed in final scene through a dramatic twist
We have took our inspiration from a prodigy music video (smack my bitch up), we are expecting the effect on the audience to be shock and hoping for them to enjoy and be intrigued with the turn around ending.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Daffy Duck caught a bus into town, and goes to a shop to buy a scratch card, he then realises he has nthin o scratch the card with. in a frantic search to reveal his destiny he reaches fot the nearest object which happens to be an empty crisp packet he attempts to scratch the latex from the card and is unsuccesful. As the frustration mounts he begins to search the pavement, as he feels a sharp pain in his thumb as he has rubbed his hand over a pin badge. in his anger he takes the badge and scratches the card so aggressively he defaces tthe numbers, he falls to the floor disheartened and wraps his bleedin thumb in the remains of the dry leaves, with tears running down his face he takes his lighter from his pocket and burns his unsucessful scratch card.

* video podcasts
* Adult humour, early teens, early adults
*like simpsons

Monday, October 09, 2006

My First Post

Well im guessin i should write i little about myself.... well this is a new start for me, a turning of a new page in the life of Hollie! I am sooo excited to be here at Nottingham Trent and loving the uni life and the course i have chosen which u must all know by now is Multimedia!! I think i should give you a little background information on my fab life hehe!! WELL i originally wasnt going to come to university as when i was studyin my GCSE's i was also trainin to be a hairdresser as i was told i would achieve all grades of D and below! WELL they was WRONG!! i was amazed when i achieved 2 A's, 6C's and 1 D (we'll ignore that one), SO then i decided if i can achieve that then maybe i should do something a little bit more for myself so i attend Hallcross Sixth Form in Doncaster which i loved almost as much as uni! i met some great friends there and learn't alot more about myself and how i can work off my own back and depend on myself and came out with some decent grades, and believe in myself (aww so sad) and then i thought well iv achieved all this and i want to achieve more, and now this brings us back to where we are at now, and im here having fun and tryin to work hard and hand in my work and find my group! My first couple of lectures were scary as it hit me GOD this is real its happenin but now iv jus got into the lectures and realised im doing what i love!!! so sorry bout the essay but now you all know me! bubye for now and if your looking at my picture this is just to show you all i can be fun when im not workin hard!!